Shady Oak Closure & Boone Ave Opening dates and info: The studio will be closed 1/29 to 3/1. No classes will occur on these dates. We were all hoping for zero gap time between closing and opening- it is just not a reality for us. We did everything we could and continue to do everything that we can to open sooner.
Tracks 1, 2, 3 & $99 Trial Members : Everything will be paused and no auto payments will occur from 1/29-2/29. For any questions or concerns please email me at "But, that's like A LOT OF TIME without flying?!" It can feel like a lot, for sure. There is opportunity here- I encourage our students to do private lessons, virtual classes, accountability coaching, cross train, attend other studios, shift focus for a few weeks to areas that don't get as much priority (ahem..flexibility..ahem). Wall assisted handstands and forearms stands are great ways to feel that upside down rush all while conditioning the upper body!
If inclined: reach out to our instructors and let them know that 4 weeks is nothing- you will be anxiously awaiting their teaching return. We all work endlessly to have classes that students crave attending- it's scary to think students may not feel that urge to come back after a lengthy time away. Want to help?
We will have a sign up for helping us clean, tear dow, pack up all of our studio belongings 1/29-1/31 on the community bulletin board. We could use your time and big strong aerial muscles! Want to help...but not like that?
Leave us a google review, send us an email with a testimony to share, purchase a gift card for a new friend to come fly with us when we are open or book a private party in our new fantastic space. Fly Fam Events: Rock climbing? Flying Trapeze? Escape Room? Yoga? Roller Skating? Let's find an event that is new, fun and humbling for us to all hang out and laugh! Something SO SPECIAL is coming our way, it WILL be worth the wait.