The Aviary is under new ownership and so many exciting changes are happening. This platform will be a great place to catch up on studio news and get the insider scoop on important details to your aerial practice.

In February, we presented our new Mini Studio to our students. Flexibility, Body Shop, Lyra, Split Panels, Acro and Open Gym are offered in this space. It still is a bit of an experiment figuring out what works best in this space and we have all deeply appreciated everyone’s patience with it. The Mini Studio has been appropriately (within COVID guidelines) measured for our class sizes, but does feel more confined than our Main Studio, which is something to take into consideration when registering for class.
We conținue to add more and more tools and apparatuses to our studio arsenal. Yoga blocks, foam rollers, dance chairs and CirqueHiit equipment have already made their debut. Get ready to see peanut rollers, long flexibility bands, straps and POLES coming next! You may have already noticed a few slight changes to our lobby- it is indeed getting a face lift; new painted floors, different decor, a comfy couch, and a brand new merch wall (with all new merchandise) are just around the corner.

Starting 3/1 we will be discontinuing the use of personal hammock/apparatus outside of Open Gym time. We have made this decision, as a team, with the current covid regulations, student safety and studio sustainability in mind. Our fabrics (hammock and split panel) and lyras have been treated with an EPA approved, non-chemical antimicrobial spray that kills bacteria and viruses on contact. We pair that with frequent washing, multiple times a day disinfecting and student sanitizing stations before entering the studio floor. The use of personal hammocks was originally offered as an option to students before the full mask mandate was put into effect. Now, armed with more information obtained on COVID-19 (it has proven to be a respiratory virus spread from person to person within 6 feet proximity- usually by respiratory droplets from coughing, sneezing or talking) and our strict mask in-studio and in-air rules, we feel confident that this adjustment will still uphold our studio safety efforts.
If anyone would like to discuss this change with the staff, feel free to email or catch us in person!
Starting 3/1 we will also change the Early Cancel timeframe from 8 hours to 24 hours. This was a change we tried to hold off on making for as long as possible, but with an increase in canceling issues within our already small covid class sizes, we believe this time frame is still a fair compromise between students and staff.
Don't Forget! We also offer morning and day time classes! It is a great time to train in our studio with all of the natural light flooding in, smaller class sizes and quieter environment.
Not quite ready to make it into the studio? Feel free to email me to get Virtual Class options and information.